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Grease refining unit

September 18, 2021

Grease refining unit

After the oil is squeezed, the oil produced without refining is called crude oil. Crude oil refers to unrefined pressed or leached animal and vegetable fats (such as machine pressing in rural areas, soil pressing and smelting, etc.). Its main component is a mixture of glycerin and fatty acid (commonly known as neutral oil); it also contains non-glycerin substances, collectively referred to as impurities. According to the dispersion state of impurities in the oil, they can be roughly classified into four categories.


1. Suspended impurities: including silt, preforms, powder and other solid impurities. The presence of these impurities is conducive to microbial activities, making the oil J easy to hydrolyze and rancid, and cannot be eaten.


2. Peptic impurities: including phospholipids, proteins, sugars, etc., the main ones are phospholipids. The presence of these impurities not only makes the oil hydrolyzed and rancid, the appearance is turbid and dim, but also produces a lot of foam and black precipitate during cooking; serious; It affects the color and flavor of stir-fried vegetables and fried foods, and at the same time loses the nutritional value of the oil itself, and also has the necessary toxicity.


3. Oil-soluble impurities: including free fatty acids, pigments, hydrocarbon waxes, aldehydes, ketones, etc., as well as trace metals and organic phosphorus, mercury, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aflatoxins, etc. caused by environmental pollution. The presence of these impurities is very harmful to the human body, and some impurities also have carcinogenic effects on the human body.


4. Moisture: The crude oil contains a lot of moisture, and the presence of moisture can easily make the oil hydrolyzed and rancid.

When crude oil undergoes dephosphorization, deacidification, degumming, deodorization, decolorization and other processes, the crude oil is removed from the crude oil with harmful and unhelpful impurities such as food and storage, and the refined oil that meets the national quality standards is called refined oil. The refined edible oil not only meets the quality standards of relevant national departments, but also plays a great role in human health.


The oil refining unit includes acid-base reaction oil tank, centrifugal separator, decolorizing oil tank, vacuum deodorization equipment, supporting pipes, tanks, oil pump, etc. The main supporting equipment of the oil refining unit:


Neutralizing pot: used for acid training, alkali training and washing;


Decolorizing pot: used for bleaching grease and depigmenting;


Deodorizing pot: used to remove the odor of grease;


Heat conduction oil furnace: Provide heat energy required for production, the temperature reaches 280 degrees;


Vacuum pump: Provide vacuum required for decolorization and deodorization;


Air compressor: Blow-dry the decolorized clay and press out the finished oil;


Filter: filter white clay;


Steam generator: produces steam required for deodorization distillation.