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How to choose suitable edible oil processing equipment for opening an edible oil processing plant?

August 05, 2021

When setting up an edible oil processing plant, it is important to choose the right edible oil processing equipment. Edible oil processing equipment not only affects the investment cost and production efficiency of manufacturers, but also affects their profit and income. But many customers do not know how to choose the right edible oil processing equipment. As an experienced edible oil processing equipment manufacturer, Henan Zhongxing can provide you with a few suggestions to help you choose the right edible oil processing equipment.

1. Determine the raw materials for edible oil processing

The raw materials for edible oil production largely determine the types of edible oil production equipment. If the raw material for edible oil processing is some oilseeds, and you want to produce crude edible oil, you need oil pretreatment equipment, edible oil squeezing equipment or edible oil extraction equipment. If you want to produce refined edible oil, you need to be equipped with edible oil refining equipment. If the raw material for edible oil processing is crude edible oil and it is desired to refine it into high-quality finished oil, then only edible oil refining equipment is required.

Different types of edible oil processing equipment

2. Determine the daily processing volume of edible oil

The larger the daily processing capacity of edible oil, the more complicated the edible oil processing equipment will be. If the daily processing capacity of edible oil is 1-10 tons, the edible oil processing equipment only needs a steaming and frying pan and an oil-pressing integrated machine. If the daily processing capacity is between 10-30 tons, you can choose a complete set of edible oil pressing equipment, which generally includes a pre-press and a press. If the processing capacity is more than 30 tons/day, Henan Zhongxing recommends the pre-expression extraction method to process edible oil, so that the production efficiency is high. The equipment used in the pre-press extraction method to process edible oil includes pre-press, edible oil extraction equipment and edible oil refining equipment.

There are three options for the selection of edible oil refining equipment: edible oil intermittent refining equipment, edible oil semi-continuous refining equipment and edible oil full continuous refining equipment. Different edible oil refining equipment is suitable for different processing volumes. Henan Zhongxing engineers can also provide corresponding edible oil refining equipment quotations according to customer requirements.


 Three kinds of edible oil refining equipment


3. Determine the edible oil processing method

There are generally two edible oil processing methods: pressing and leaching. The squeezing method is a production method in which edible oil is obtained from the oil by physical squeezing, and the extraction method is a production method in which the edible oil is extracted from the oil cake by using the principle of the compatibility of solvents and fats. There are also two ways of edible oil refining: chemical refining and physical refining. In fact, these edible oil processing methods are not distinguished by good or bad. It is necessary to select the corresponding edible oil processing methods according to the quality of raw materials and the requirements for refined oil. Then equipped with corresponding edible oil processing equipment.

4. Determine the investment budget

Investment budget is an important factor to consider when choosing edible oil processing equipment. If the investment budget is relatively low, you can buy a cost-effective oil press to produce edible oil, and other processes can be replaced by labor. If you have enough budget, you can choose to configure high edible oil processing equipment.

The choice of edible oil processing equipment is not static, but it is necessary to comprehensively consider the various factors involved, and then select the appropriate edible oil processing equipment. The engineers of Henan Zhongxing have rich experience in the selection of edible oil processing equipment. If you want to open an edible oil processing plant or need to purchase edible oil processing equipment, please contact us. Looking forward to our cooperation.