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The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

What are the factors that affect the oil yield in refining equipment

September 09, 2021

  The fats and oils extracted from raw materials by pressing and leaching methods are called crude oil. The main component of crude oil is triglycerides, and the other components are collectively called impurities. The main function of oil refining equipment is to separate these impurities from crude oil to improve the edible quality and storage stability of the oil. The separation of impurities will inevitably cause loss and affect the oil yield of the product. The following factors cause loss: refining equipment

   1. Alkali refining loss

  (1) is to remove the loss of gum, free fatty acid, moisture, impurities, etc. existing in the crude oil;


  (2) Loss caused by the saponification and emulsification of neutral oil during the treatment;


  2, decolorization loss

   is mainly the loss caused by the oil absorption of the waste clay during adsorption and decolorization, and the oil content of the waste clay should be reduced as much as possible.


   decolorization loss = waste clay × waste clay dry base oil content


  3, deodorization loss

"Includes fatty acids and small molecules of aldehydes and ketones in the deodorization process, unsaponifiables such as sterols, vitamin E, and triglyceride evaporation loss; oil splash loss during the steam stripping process. Deodorization consumption=0.2+1.1×(FFA%+POV/80+water impurity% into the deodorization tower)


  4. Losses caused by running, emitting, dripping, and leaking due to improper operation or equipment and other reasons during the production process.


  The loss of grease occupies a large proportion of the production cost. The manufacturer must clearly understand the causes and influencing factors of the loss during the production process, and effectively control it in the production, in order to effectively reduce the production cost of grease.