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What does olive oil acidity mean? Is the lower the better?

September 28, 2021

olive oil

Olive oil has attracted more and more people's attention. This kind of olive oil has made many people taste the needs of a healthy life, but in the market we will find that there are a variety of different brands and different grades of olives. Oil. In the process of selection, people may have various questions. Because people don't know much about olive oil, although they have experienced the advantages of olive oil. However, people do not particularly understand some standard data on olive oil. So in this case we will happen that more and more people want to know what the acidity of olive oil means? Is the lower the better?

After a long time of analysis and investigation, we can know that the acidity of olive oil actually refers to the percentage of free fatty acids in olive oil by weight. This data has become a very important indicator for measuring the quality of olive oil. As a very popular olive oil brand in the world, the brand Alivia will naturally meet higher data requirements. Moreover, this olive oil request has been certified by five major authorities and has reached the requirements of the crown level.

In terms of the acidity of olive oil, in fact, the lower the acidity of olive oil, the higher the quality of olive oil, the less it will be affected by the natural environment and the degree of oxidation will be reduced. Therefore, the acidity of olive oil is indeed as low as possible, but we should also pay attention to the low acidity of olive oil, which may be due to the addition of chemical elements or manual intervention. We should also judge according to the actual situation and find the true Guaranteed olive oil.