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Why use leaching method to produce peanut oil? What are the advantages of the leaching method?

September 17, 2021

When choosing the peanut oil production process, in addition to the common pressing method, the leaching method is also one of the choices of everyone, especially the choice of large peanut oil manufacturers. Why use leaching method to produce peanut oil? What are the advantages of the leaching method? The engineers of Henan Zhongxing will sort out the advantages of peanut oil produced by the extraction method based on the experience of the edible oil production project and the characteristics of the extraction method.

 peanut oil

Advantage 1: High oil output

Using the leaching method to produce edible oil, the residual oil rate is below 1%, which is far lower than the 7-8% residual oil rate of edible oil produced by the squeezing method. The oil content of peanuts is about 50%, which is a kind of oil with high oil content. Using the extraction method to produce peanut oil can reduce a lot of oil loss, and manufacturers can obtain more peanut oil. Therefore, the greater the output of peanut oil, the more suitable the extraction method to produce peanut oil.

The reason why the oil yield of peanut oil produced by the leaching method is very high is that the leaching method uses the principle of the compatibility of oil and solvent to extract peanut oil from peanut cake, so that peanut oil can be extracted to a greater extent. If your peanut processing capacity is more than 20 tons/day, Henan Zhongxing recommends that you choose the extraction method to produce peanut oil.

Advantage 2: High quality meal

In the process of producing peanut oil by the leaching method, the operating temperature is relatively low, and the protein in the peanut meal will not be destroyed, so the quality of the peanut meal is relatively better. Peanut oil manufacturers can process these meal into animal feed to obtain additional profits.

If you plan to obtain animal feed in addition to extracting peanut oil, you can also use the extraction method to produce peanut oil.

Advantage 3: Low production cost

The production line used to produce peanut oil by leaching method is generally complete, including peanut pretreatment and pre-pressing, peanut oil leaching and peanut oil refining. The peanut oil production process is highly automated, requires fewer operators, and has low labor costs. In addition, the energy consumption of peanut oil produced by the leaching method is relatively low. In the peanut oil leaching workshop, the solvent can also be recycled. Therefore, the production cost of peanut oil produced by the leaching method is low, and peanut oil manufacturers can obtain more profits.

 Extraction equipment

It should be noted that the production of peanut oil by leaching method requires a complete set of peanut oil production equipment, and the equipment cost is relatively high. Therefore, Henan Zhongxing recommends that large-scale peanut oil manufacturers choose peanut oil by leaching method to produce peanut oil, so that more high-quality peanut oil can be obtained, but also Reducing production costs can realize the profit demand of manufacturers. If you need a full set of peanut oil production equipment, or part of the production equipment, please contact us.