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The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

How to choose oil refining equipment?

September 06, 2021

Edible oil processing plants have been established all over the country. Thanks to the huge edible oil supply and demand market, the healthy edible oil produced has flowed into thousands of households. At present, edible oil on the market, whether it is soybean oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil and other large oils, or tea seed oil, peony seed oil, grape seed oil and other small oils, more than 99% of the refined oil is refined oil, only Only after refining can it reach the standard of healthy edible oil.


oil refining equipment


The edible oil produced by pressing, leaching or extraction methods is crude oil, and the quality is low. The oil refining equipment can effectively remove unfavorable impurities and reach the first and second oil standards. The higher the grade, the more complex the refining process and the lower the quality. Higher. It can be seen how important the oil refining equipment is to a grease processing plant. The oil refining equipment is indispensable for users to open an oil plant. Profits depend on it. Therefore, the selection of the right is very important.

1. It depends on which edible oil the user processes. Some edible oil refining processes are the same, but some are different, such as peanut oil, sesame oil, etc., which do not need to be dewaxed, while corn oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, etc. all need to be dewaxed , And some users do not do dewaxing treatment in order to ensure the strong aroma of edible oil. The specific refinery equipment to choose depends on the actual processing needs of users.

2. When users choose oil refining equipment, they must first have a detailed understanding of the performance, parameters, configuration, etc. of each project in order to make a reasonable choice, and it is also convenient for clear judgments during future inspections. According to the type of oil they are processing, The specific facts such as the production throughput and the level of the refined oil to be achieved have an accurate grasp of the model configuration of the refining equipment.

3. Purchasing oil refining equipment, especially its refining effect should be placed in an important position. After all, it is directly linked to the profit of the project. The refining effect is good, the oil quality is high, and it can be sold at a good price. Good refining equipment means More investment in technology, more mature production and manufacturing, of course, we must fully consider investment costs and operating costs, and comprehensively select cost-effective equipment.

4. There is no shortage of good brands in oil refining equipment. Henan Zhongxing Oil Equipment is one of them. The industry has developed for nearly 20 years and has a solid market foundation. Oil operation projects are spread all over the world. The specific experience is more mature. It is not a small investment. It is still guaranteed to choose equipment from a powerful manufacturer. Look for the Henan Zhongxing Grain and Oil Machinery brand, and users will have no regrets.

Henan Zhongxing Grain and Oil Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing all kinds of complete plant oil refining equipment, leaching equipment, animal oil refining equipment, and oil plant production line equipment. Users are welcome to come to Zhongxing manufacturers to inspect and purchase, please feel free to contact us.