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The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

Production process of sago oil

August 02, 2021

The origin of Cyperus edulis is Africa. It is an annual plant of the Gramineae family and is highly adaptable. It is a high-quality, high-yield, and a new crop of oil and grain with high comprehensive utilization value. It is also known as sedge. It is also an ornamental plant for beautifying and greening the environment. This variety has strong adaptability and high yield. Generally, it produces 1000Kg of fresh beans and 500kg of dry beans per mu. Planting 1 mu of Cyperus esculentus is equivalent to 7-10 mu of rapeseed. The needle-shaped leaves are thin and long, with a plant height of about 1 meter, vigorous growth, strong tillering power, and underground knots. The fruit is oval in shape, and the oil yield is generally about 35%. The quality is better than rapeseed oil. It is rich in protein and amino acids and has high nutritional value.




The extraction process and method of Sesame oil:

Clean sago pea-crushing-softening-rolling embryo-subcritical low temperature leaching-crude oil-refining-finished oil-packaging.


 The low-temperature leaching processing technology selects the subcritical low-temperature leaching with No. 4 solvent, which can maintain the quality of the oil in the sago pea and retain the active substances in it to the utmost extent without being destroyed, and has a high oil yield and is environmentally friendly. It is a processing method worth promoting.