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The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

How to treat wastewater from a palm oil plant?

September 18, 2021

Palm oil has become a major, global agricultural commodity, mainly used in food and non-food applications, and has recently been touted as a promising raw material for biofuel production.

In response to the challenges of emerging wastewater treatment and the ever-increasing demand for water, palm oil plants rely on technology to better manage water resources and save water.

The production of wastewater from palm oil plants mainly comes from palm oil extraction, grinding and cleaning processes. Due to its acidic nature, wastewater cannot be pre-treated in advance and contains high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). In order to meet the environmental and economic challenges of palm oil plants, Veolia provides a complete wastewater treatment solution based on anaerobic technology:

a>Technical solutions to achieve the requirements of the clean development mechanism

b>Economic benefits

c>Comply with international environmental protection standards

d>Environmentally friendly: zero waste disposal, no air pollution

e>Renewable energy production

 palm oil plant

Palm oil plant wastewater treatment technology:


a>Land application is one of the methods to deal with deforestation, soil blockage and damage to vegetation. This problem can be overcome by a small number of controllable applications.

b>It is a cheap way to discharge palm oil plant wastewater into the river. However, environmental problems immediately follow, such as water consumption and water pollution.

c>The steps involved in the physical treatment of palm oil plant wastewater, such as the use of biological treatment systems for screening, sedimentation and secondary treatment before deoiling. Acidification and flocculation are mature pretreatment processes.

d>Biological treatment: chemical used for flocculation such as alum, polyaluminum chloride, aluminum sulfate, chitosan, etc. to help centrifugation and coagulation.

e>Puddle systems are simple operating systems, but they also have some shortcomings such as occupying a large amount of land, relatively long hydraulic retention time for reasonable performance of 50-60 days, bad smell and difficulty in maintaining liquor distribution and biogas collection Harmful effects on the environment.