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What is palm oil, red palm oil, white palm oil, hard palm oil?

September 17, 2021

There are many statements about palm oil in the market, such as: palm oil, red palm oil, white palm oil, soft palm oil, hard palm oil, palm kernel oil, palm kernel oil, etc., for many non-personnels, they are not clear about their differences and characteristics. , Now do a more comprehensive introduction.

 palm oil

Palm fruit is composed of palm flesh, palm shell and palm kernel.


Palm oil: Everyone is familiar with this oil. The English name is palm oil, also called palm fruit oil, which is the oil that is squeezed or extracted from the pulp of palm fruit. The main source is African oil palm, which is native to tropical Africa and is also produced in Central America, Malaysia and Indonesia. Its main producing area is Malaysia, which accounts for 60% of the world's output of palm oil. Rich in palmitic acid (about 43%) and oleic acid (40%).


Palm kernel oil: Palm kernel oil in English is palm kernel oil, which is an oil product extracted and squeezed from the "core" part of the palm fruit. Usually the color is white or milky white. Its lauric acid and cinnamic acid content is similar to coconut oil.


Red palm oil: Red palm oil in English is red palm oil or carotino premium oil, which is also extracted and squeezed from the "pulp" part of palm fruit. It is an unrefined oil that has not undergone decolorization and removal of free fat. The color is brown-red or orange-red, and the carotene content is 0.05%-0.2%, which is why it will be brown-red or orange-red. In addition to the characteristics of palm oil, red palm oil is not decolorized and refined palm oil. Red palm oil has a high content of carotenoids (700-1000ppm) in natural vegetable oils, which is 30 times that of squash radishes. Due to its own and content comparison A large amount of vitamin E, an antioxidant substance, helps repair wounds or rough skin, and has a great effect on the skin.


Red palm oil and white palm oil: directly squeezed from the bright red flesh of palm fruit, the oil that has not been decolorized and refined is called "red palm oil", and the one that has undergone decolorization and refinement is called "white palm oil."

Traditionally, palm oil only refers to crude palm oil (CPO) and refined palm oil (RPO) extracted from palm pulp, and does not include palm kernel oil.


Generally, palm oil on the market is divided into;

1. Refined soft palm oil (Palm Olein): referred to as soft palm oil, it can be used as a raw material for margarine, frying oil in the food industry, household cooking oil and so on.


2. Refined hard palm oil (Palm Stearin): abbreviated as hard palm oil, which is refined from palm oil through crystallization and separation of stearin. It is usually used as a raw material for margarine to adjust the hardness of the product. Generally speaking, hard palm oil will appear semi-solid or solid when it is below normal temperature (27°C).