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What is the reason for the slagging phenomenon of the automatic oil press?

September 28, 2021

The slagging of the oil press is what users often call the slag. Generally, 5% of the slagging of the fully automatic oil press is a normal phenomenon. What is the reason for the slagging phenomenon of the automatic oil press? What should I do when the amount of slag from the automatic oil press exceeds the normal range? The following is an introduction about why the automatic oil press has the phenomenon of slagging, and how to avoid a large amount of slagging of the automatic oil press.

 Automatic oil press

1. What is the reason for the slagging phenomenon of the automatic oil press?

The user newly purchases a fully automatic oil press, which can work normally after installation, commissioning and running-in. Generally, when the automatic oil press is working normally, the oil enters the press chamber from the hopper and is extracted by the collision between the snail and the oil in the press chamber and the pressure of the press chamber. The oil is in the fifth and sixth of the snail press. The knots flow out through the cracks of the sliver, and the cakes are tiled from the cake outlet to the outside of the automatic oil press. Generally, when the oil is squeezed, pretreatments such as frying and screening are carried out, and the moisture and temperature of the oil are changed to achieve suitable conditions and the oil is squeezed. There are often many users, but because of technical reasons and other circumstances, the oil is not pressed under the right conditions, so the automatic oil press machine has the phenomenon of slagging.

2. Where does the oil press residue appear in the automatic oil press?

Generally, the slag outlet of the oil press is at the fifth and fourth snails close to the feed end. Slagging is divided into normal slagging and a large amount of slagging according to the condition of pressing.

3. What should I do when the amount of slag from the automatic oil press exceeds the normal range?

(1) If the slag from the automatic oil press is filamentous, it is normal in this case.

(2) If the slag from the automatic oil press becomes flakes, this is an abnormal phenomenon. It is usually because the automatic oil press is not pressed tightly, or it may be that the strip is seriously worn and worn at the oil eye. Flakes appear everywhere.

4. How to avoid a large amount of slag from the automatic oil press?

(1) Fully automatic oil press requires a running-in process at first, and only after running-in well, can the later oil press reduce unnecessary troubles.

(2) If the plasticity of the oil is not good, it will be difficult to produce the cake, which will increase the pressure in the press chamber of the fully automatic oil press, and it will also be easy to slag. For oils that are not easy to squeeze, increase the water content and speed up the temperature of the automatic oil press to increase the plasticity of the oil.

(3) Regularly check and maintain the main components of the fully automatic oil press, such as whether the screw is damaged, whether the nuts in each part are loose, whether the lubrication part needs to be lubricated, etc.