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What are the measures to reduce solvent loss caused by the production of leaching equipment?

September 09, 2021

  The solvent loss generated by the leaching equipment to make oil is an important part of the production cost. Reducing solvent loss is of great significance for reducing production costs, increasing profits and ensuring safe production. The causes of solvent loss are caused by equipment leakage, waste water discharge, crude oil, and meal. For these factors, the following measures can be taken to reduce solvent loss.


  1. Equipment leakage

  Equipment, pipeline, valve leakage, the inlet and outlet of the extractor and dryer should be equipped with closed valves to prevent the escape of solvent and air mixing. The joints of the valve pipeline should be tight, and if any leakage is found, it should be checked and repaired immediately. Before commissioning, the pipelines, valves, etc. must be subjected to hydraulic test, or steamed to check for air leakage.


   2. Absorption system:

   Strengthen the operation and management of the absorption system. Some leaching oil plants often increase solvent loss due to improper operation of the absorption system. Therefore, we must pay attention to strengthening management, and generally should do the following work:


   (1) Frequently check the solvent content in the exhaust gas discharged from the absorption equipment, and solve the problem in time.


  (2) When the oil absorption method is adopted, the oil used for absorption should be kept clean, and the replacement period should be specified according to the usage conditions to ensure a good absorption effect.


  (3) When using activated carbon absorption method, pay attention to the adsorption effect of activated carbon. It is found that the activity is reduced and the adsorption effect is reduced. It can be isolated and heated to regenerate the activity. If the activated carbon has been used for a long time and the absorption effect is not significant, it should be replaced.


   (4) When the freezing method is adopted, the normal operation of the refrigerator should be maintained, so that the brine can maintain a sufficiently low temperature, and ensure that the brine is in good contact with the exhaust gas, so that the solvent vapor in the exhaust gas can be condensed and recovered as much as possible.


   3. Wastewater discharge

  The amount of waste water discharged from the water separator every day in the leaching workshop is large. If the production is normal, there will be trace solvents in the waste water. Once the operation is improper, the solvent content in the water will increase, and the loss will increase. To avoid this situation, you can take the following measures:


  (1) Reduce the condensate temperature. The commonly used solvent oil No. 6 has a certain solubility in water. When the temperature is slightly higher, the solubility increases, so the temperature of the condensate must be lowered.


  (2) Prevent emulsification of condensate. When the condensate is mixed with oil and meal powder, it is easy to emulsify, which makes the separation of solvent and water unclear and loss of solvent.


   4. Meal take away aspect

   Try to prevent the meal from taking away the solvent. The measures are as follows:


   (1) The leaching workshop should always check the solvent content of the gas at the outlet of the dryer, and adjust the operation in time if any problems are found.


  (2) When possible, always check the solvent vapor outlet pressure. If the pressure increases, it will inevitably cause the solvent vapor to escape from the meal outlet.


   5. The crude oil take away aspect

   The solvent content in crude oil should be reduced, and the measures include:


  (1) When the mixed oil evaporates, the feed should be uniform and the temperature should be stable, and the concentration of the mixed oil should be increased as much as possible to create conditions for gas stripping.


  (2) The direct steam used in gas stripping is preferably superheated steam, which is beneficial to maintain the oil temperature and avoid emulsification.


  (3) The gas stripping equipment is best operated under reduced pressure to minimize the solvent content in the oil.